With the implementation for RFID within warehouse operations to some may not be driven by technology, however it plays a vital role when it comes to reducing errors and keep your business more organized.

RFID in some cases has made an impact within the technology era when employed in distribution centres and warehouses. In this article, we will go into detail into how it can improve your warehouse environment.

What is RFID?

Radio frequency identification is a technology which harnesses radio waves to identify and monitor objects effortlessly without the need for physical contact. Primarily, this technology is relatively simple to use and implement, with the use for wireless communication RFID system gives the opportunity to allow software platforms to identify and locate items no matter the object.  This innovative system comprises three essential elements:

  • RFID tags, which are normally small devices which store data
  • RFID readers, which wirelessly communicates with tags
  • Backend system, which processes and manages all collected information

RFID Warehouse Tracking

Within a warehouse environment, implementing the technology can be an essential tool. Usually, RFID tracking normally works in various stages with each step, all inventory can be under better control in a prompt manner:

  • When a delivery for stock arrives at the warehouse receiving dock starts to get unloaded
  • RFID tags are attached within the shipment
  • Each individual tag has internal memory on which each item’s information is stored as it moves through different processes in the warehouse.
  • The RFID tag transmits all the shipment or item information to a central database.
  • The Warehouse Management System then analyses all the data as the item progresses through the system.

How does RFID technology improve warehouse operations

With using the technology in a warehouse can deliver huge benefits for your business, as a starting point RFID technology is accurate which can prevent the risk for human error. This can save time with automated processes which then communicate with warehouse software. E.g. When stock arrives or exits the warehouse, the RFID tag automatically documents its arrival and, it’s exit.

RFID also benefits from the services which demand worker interference including pick and pack. Staff can save time and increase productivity since RFID makes it possible to find the location for any stock item instantly.

With implementing the technology with a warehouse management system, you can reduce warehouse operating costs, increase accuracy and get things done quicker. RFID makes for better efficiency and better customer satisfaction.

About ProVision WMS

If you are in the business of running a small to midsize warehouse and don’t need all the bells and whistles right off the bat. Your warehouse is not complex or intricate. You need a simple solution to take your warehouse to the next level without overwhelming your operations and need the core processes such as receiving, putaway, inventory management, and packing & shipping then Provision WMS is the warehouse management system to take you there.

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